Writer-Editor - Talentium Inc.
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Talentium Inc. / JOBS / Writer-Editor

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Terms of Reference

The Writer/Editor to write and edit materials for IT projects. He/she will produce clear, consistent, and client-centric communications materials to ensure successful adoption of IT projects.

The Writer/Editor will report to the Adoption and Change Management (ACM) Lead and/or designated staff members.


  • Write and edit communication materials to support IT product and service adoption, including emails, infographics, presentations, talking points and collateral.
  • Create slogans and taglines
  • Write and edit learning materials
  • Write content for social media
  • Perform other tasks and ad hoc activities that may be assigned
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English to interact effectively and work/coordinate with all levels of staff and external parties.


  • At least 5 years relevant experience in reputable organizations
  • Knowledge/understanding of project management framework and discipline to be able to develop and deliver a full communications plan.
  • Proficient in the use of standard office software programs including MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint.
  • Specific knowledge-based competencies required to satisfactorily perform the functions of the job including concepts of grammar and punctuation, principles of copy writing, layout work, graphics and desktop publishing, and techniques and methods of special events planning.
  • Experience in crafting department-wide messages (i.e., textual, pictorial and presentation/video).
  • Ability to translate technical information into language understandable to everyone.
  • Proactive, with ability to identify communication opportunities.
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